Watch King Frat (1979) Full Streaming
Set on the quiet campus of Yellowstream University, this comedy follows the rivalries that build between two of the college's fraternities. When they're not mooning everyone they pass and throwing garbage on the lawns of rival frats, the members of the Pi Kappa Delta fraternity are mainly interested in drinking and... well, drinking. When a campus-wide farting contest is announced, Grossout, the leader of the Deltas, is all too eager to stand up, bend over and defend the honor of his fraternity.
You'll laugh 'til your sides split!
Movie details King Frat
Release : 1979-07-01Genre : Comedy
Runtime : 82 minutes
Company :

Robert Small | as | Kevin |

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King Frat (1979) - IMDb
Directed by Ken Wiederhorn. With John DiSanti, Charles Pitt, Roy Sekoff, Robert Small. Frat boys -- or is that fart boys? -- compete in a farting contest.
Directed by Ken Wiederhorn. With John DiSanti, Charles Pitt, Roy Sekoff, Robert Small. Frat boys -- or is that fart boys? -- compete in a farting contest.
KING *@#!! FRAT trailer - YouTube
Here it is, folks! The theatrical trailer for the greatest movie ever made. Narrated by Kevin with a special appearance by J.J. 'Gross Out' Gumbroski ...
Here it is, folks! The theatrical trailer for the greatest movie ever made. Narrated by Kevin with a special appearance by J.J. 'Gross Out' Gumbroski ...
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s last speech - YouTube
Prophetic words, he was assassinated the next day. ... Martin Luther King, Jr.'s last speech
Prophetic words, he was assassinated the next day. ... Martin Luther King, Jr.'s last speech
Frat Pack Wikipedia
The Frat Pack (vereinzelt auch Slacker Pack) ist die Bezeichnung fr eine Gruppe von Hollywood-Schauspielern, die seit den spten 1990er Jahren bei einer ...
The Frat Pack (vereinzelt auch Slacker Pack) ist die Bezeichnung fr eine Gruppe von Hollywood-Schauspielern, die seit den spten 1990er Jahren bei einer ...
Watch King Frat (1979) Online for Free - Viooz
Watch King Frat online for free on Flash host, a 1979 movie streaming,
Watch King Frat online for free on Flash host, a 1979 movie streaming,
Former Miss Teen Delaware Melissa King Involved In Girl Fight ...
Melissa King, the former Miss Delaware and one-off pornography actress, hit the town Thursday night dressed in the devil number pictured above.
Melissa King, the former Miss Delaware and one-off pornography actress, hit the town Thursday night dressed in the devil number pictured above.
Behind King Memorial, One Fraternity's Long Battle : NPR
The thousands of visitors at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington this week will reflect on the controversial likeness of the man, his legacy ...
The thousands of visitors at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington this week will reflect on the controversial likeness of the man, his legacy ...
The 16 Finest Frat Castles In All The Land [PHOTOS]
A fraternity needs a castle if they want to truly be considered the kings of campus. We searched all around, high and low, east to west, to find the best frat castles ...
A fraternity needs a castle if they want to truly be considered the kings of campus. We searched all around, high and low, east to west, to find the best frat castles ...
Frat letter - Crossword Clue Answer | Crossword Heaven
Find answers for the crossword clue: Frat letter. We have 17 answers for this clue.
Find answers for the crossword clue: Frat letter. We have 17 answers for this clue.
Christian MIDI Archive
Sing to him a new canticle, sing well unto him with a loud noise. (Psalms 33:3 - Douay-Rheims Version) Coptic Music: This site has dozens of quality Coptic MIDI files
Sing to him a new canticle, sing well unto him with a loud noise. (Psalms 33:3 - Douay-Rheims Version) Coptic Music: This site has dozens of quality Coptic MIDI files